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21 June 2016

Why you shouldn't use external Templates in blogger?

Whats up Guys,
All the steps are given with Images
Why you shouldn't use external Templates in blogger? Build new one up from its own basic templates.
  It's not big but informative. Just get back to your seat and relax guys. Many newly arrived peoples are made a big mistake in this matter and upcoming bloggers also will do this. They choose attractive XML templates from external sites. Now, What is the worse because of this? There is a proverb too, Beautiful is also Dangerous too.
  Customization has a main contribution in maintenance of a blog. You might already have experienced that, It is necessary to customize and modify your blog often as your needs and to reach more viewers. It is very hard to think, if you can't customize your blog for some needs after you did many more with this. Basement should be made very very correctly for everything. Are you with me?
  Another bad thing is images linked with the templates also may be gone if its host stops hosting. After that you sites' whole decorations also will be crashed. How will you feel then? It is not search engine friendly too. I don't know how. But it is true. It may be because of its size. Some options in template customize aren't work for the external templates including its layout length. There are many options won't work for them. You have to edit them via coding which may blow your entire template.
So, What is the easy way to go?
  Build your own template from basic templates offered by Google blogger. You may also better to select dynamics templates from blogger by its default. It is very easy to make a unique template and possible to create more than billion of them. Just follow these simple steps to go.
  • Choose any of the template available by default in blogger from lists Simple, Picture Window, Awesome Inc., Watermark, Ethereal, Travel.

  • Go to Customize button in orange color in Templates (See Picture).
  • Now you will see blogger's template editor interface. It is able to switch to the default template here also. Jump to Background tab in the left top corner. Set any background you want preloaded designs or upload your own picture. If you want plain background, leave it to none. Select a color theme. Its color pattern going to be changed in following step. Select any your favor.

  • Then jump to layout tab. Don't adjust its widths before this step which will be useless after chose another layout. Then Select anyone for main layout and footer layout suit to you.

  • Go to Adjust Width tab. Adjust side and main wrap width of your template. All changes are shown instantly below the settings.

  • Go to Advanced tab and Customize everything there as your needs. You can change texts' font, color, size etc to Page text, title, links etc individually. 

  •  Click on Apply to Blog and Hit Back to Blogger.

  • Go to the Layout tab from list in left. Adjust all of your gadgets' position including Header and Menu/ Pages. You can use Labels gadget instead for Menu/ Pages. You can insert your own HTML or Script here. For decent blog, hide/ off navigation bar and set your own Favicon. Try Google Adsense which is to earn some money from your blog impressions and ads click.

  That's all guys. You have got a impressive and smart template which is only in your blog. Don't forget to share, like or plus, tweet our site. Thanks again for your arrival.

Tags: Blogging, Blogger, Blogging Tips, blogger templates, customize template, create blogger template.
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15 June 2016

Add a Popup Box with Close Button to a Your Blog : Direct Popup HTML script code

   There are many needs for a popup box to your blog. Many purposes such as show floating ads, convince visitor to subscribe or get shares and like to your site, show survey forms to get facts and comments from user, show your certain product to sell. You may need to show them while site loading or in a click and hide with another button click.'
   I explain about editing a sample code to build up all types of popup boxes. It is able you to customize all the things in the popup box after you read this. Let begins to topic,
   First know about the CSS style code Which is used to shine up your popup box. Style sheets are used to change your plain HTML into a shiny site.
   Every tag after # carries style for its own objects defined in HTML. Period or full stop “.” also can be used instead of the hash #.
#Object1_Name{ Here the styles are defined for object1. You could modify everything here to change style for the certain object1 }

Popup will be shown in fixed position and visitor cannot access content in your blog which will be shaded, for the code given here by default. If you want a popup code which move along the site while all the content are active, Modify code in this tag by removing “display:none;” and changing “position” to static. }

#popupContact{ You can adjust font size, border, background color etc here. You can also change the width and height. But You must set a certain value other than percentages for those.}

#popupContactClose{ You can change properties and position of its close button here.}

#Content{ it’s able to customize characteristic of text entered in the div Content tag here.}

   You can also able to add more styles and divisions for the styles with same tag id. This style code strip should be added into your blog HTML just before the popup code in order to get good impression of the blog. It is also eligible to add this code combine with the popup code. However, I have given those codes separately to teach you full customization of popup box HTML. Some sample and edited ready made popup codes suit for some popular needs also been attached at last here. First you copy and edit the style code given below.

Style Section Code
#backgroundPopup{ display:none; position:fixed; _position:absolute; height:100%; width:100%; top:0; left:0;  background-color: transparent;  background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); z-index:999; }

#popupContact{ display:none; position:fixed; _position:absolute; height:500px; width:500px; background:#FFFFFF; border:4px solid #ddd; z-index:999; padding:8px; font-size:13px;}

#popupContactClose{ background:url
(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEih9qMMLSQAWLFQF8L6oDqVM4l7kqZnXu6Ukxfbt_LIDQlQPLsSTHyc9_7dXQrLoeDkh2sOfGjGTqi-SvNTVhsgUVKRken2TWEIMZSyZTFUnnmec3tXWd2ubGw-651GX96P7lzUAVc0HuU/s38-p/x-mark-button-md.png) no-repeat;    width:37px; height:37px; display:inline; z-index:3200; position:absolute; top:-15px;  right:-16px; cursor:pointer; text-indent: -99999px;}

#Content{ color: #AAAAAA; font-family: times New Roman; font-size: 25px; font-style: italic;     line-height:30px; }

   Let get into the HTML Section guys. It is the portion deciding how the objects in the popup should be arranged.

<div id="*****"> the stars (*****) in the id are the tags set in the CSS style code. Style of every division is decided by its corresponding tag in the style sheet.

HTML Section Code
<div id="backgroundPopup">
<div id="popupContact">
<a id="popupContactClose">x</a>
<div id="Content"> Your Content Here </div>                    

   You should include all of your things’ code need to be show in popup just after <div id="Content"> tag.
<div id="Content"> Your Content here </div>
It is able to add any HTML, Script, iframes, ads etc in the “your content here” area. You have to be care about that every HTML tags are closed and enclosed properly inside of it. You should consider its view size if you set height and width for #popupContact and #backgroundpopup tags in CSS style code above to avoid content overlapping popup. That is all to say about HTML section. Let we move to the Script section.
   You can also open up another web URL when viewer close popup. Find <a id="popupContactClose">x</a> add this following code between a and id in it.
href="Your WEB URL Here"
   In Script section, there are not much things to learn. First you know how the popup showing system works. Popup will be shown only once and never again for few days after closed by a user. You could modify this code to show popup all the time when page reloaded by the user. It uses cookies to avoid show again after you close it. You can customize that how many days should be taken to show it again to the user for subscription requests. Find { expires: 7 } in script and change the days 7 into anything you want. It is twice in it code, the second used to close popup with escape key on keyboard. Change in both places. If you want to show popup for every page reloading, find this code popupStatus = 0; and change the 0 into 1.

Script Section Code
<script src="http://yourjavascript.com/24315621361/jquery.cookie.js" type="text/javascript">

<script type="text/javascript">
 var popupStatus = 0;

//this code will load popup with jQuery magic!
 function loadPopup(){

//loads popup only if it is disabled
 popupStatus = 1;

//This code will disable popup when click on x!
function disablePopup(){

 //disables popup only if it is enabled
 popupStatus = 0;

//this code will center popup
function centerPopup(){

 //request data for centering
 var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
 var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
 var popupHeight = $("#popupContact").height();
 var popupWidth = $("#popupContact").width();

 "position": "absolute",
 "top": windowHeight/2-popupHeight/2,
 "left": windowWidth/2-popupWidth/2

 //only need force for IE6
 "height": windowHeight

 if ($.cookie("anewsletter") != 1) {

 //centering with css

 //load popup

 //Click the x event!
 $.cookie("anewsletter", "1", { expires: 7 });

 //Press Escape event!
 if(e.keyCode==27 && popupStatus==1){
 $.cookie("anewsletter", "1", { expires: 7 });
You can also set to show it once for every sub URLs or pages in your site. Find tag <script type="text/javascript"> and add var url1=window.location.href; just after that. Find all the three “anewsletter” and replace it with url1 without any quotes. You have done. It can be used for to show share or like popups in every pages in your blog.

Positioning your popup

The code given below will center your popup. If you want to show it in your favor position, remove code between //request data for centering and //centering. Then give your top and left coordinates in pixels(px) in //centering section.

 //this code will center popup
function centerPopup(){
 //request data for centering
 var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
 var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
 var popupHeight = $("#popupContact").height();
 var popupWidth = $("#popupContact").width();
 "position": "absolute",
 "top": windowHeight/2-popupHeight/2,
 "left": windowWidth/2-popupWidth/2
 //only need force for IE6
 "height": windowHeight
#Content{ color: #AAAAAA; font-family: times New Roman; font-size: 25px; font-style: italic;     line-height:30px; }

Some Sample Popup HTML Scripts Codes

1.Feedback Subscription Popup Box HTML Script code:
{ display:none; position:fixed; _position:absolute;
/* hack for internet explorer 6*/
height:100%; width:100%; top:0;
left:0; background-color: transparent;    
background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);z-index:999; }
#popupContact{ display:none;
position:fixed; _position:absolute;
/* hack for internet explorer 6*/ height:500px; width:500px; background:#FFFFFF;
border:4px solid #ddd; z-index:999;
padding:8px; font-size:13px; }
#popupContactClose{    background:url
no-repeat;    width:37px;    height:37px;    display:inline;    z-index:3200;    position:absolute;    top:-15px;    right:-16px;    cursor:pointer;    text-indent: -99999px;}
#Content {    color: #AAAAAA;    font-family: times New Roman;    font-size: 25px;    font-style: italic;    line-height:30px; }
#insideimg {    float: left;    height: 80px;    padding: 0 25px 0 10px;    width: 80px; }
#btntfollowForm {  padding: 15px; }
#btntfollowForm img {  border:none; }
#btntfollowForm p {  margin: 0 0 10px;}
#btntfollowForm input:not([type="checkbox"]){ width: 93%; margin-top: 10px;        margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 10px 5px 10px 25px;  border: 1px solid rgb(178, 178, 178); -webkit-appearance: textfield; -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;   -moz-box-sizing : content-box;       box-sizing : content-box; -webkit-border-radius: 3px;    -moz-border-radius: 3px;         border-radius: 3px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px 0px rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.6) inset;    -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px 0px rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.6) inset;         box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px 0px rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.6) inset; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s linear;    -moz-transition: all 0.2s linear;      -o-transition: all 0.2s linear;   transition: all 0.2s linear; }
#btntfollowForm input:not([type="checkbox"]):active,
#btntfollowForm input:not([type="checkbox"]):focus{ border: 1px solid rgba(91, 90, 90, 0.7); background: rgba(238, 236, 240, 0.2); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px 0px rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.9) inset;    -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px 0px rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.9) inset;         box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px 0px rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.9) inset;}
#btntfollowForm .button input{    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #3D9DB3;    border: 1px solid #1C6C7A;    border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;    box-shadow: 0 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07) inset, 0 0 0 3px #FEFEFE, 0 5px 3px 3px #D2D2D2;    color: #FFFFFF;    cursor: pointer;    font-family: 'Arial Narrow',Arial,sans-serif;    font-size: 24px;    margin-bottom: 10px;    padding: 8px 5px;    text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);    width: 30%;    float: right; }
#btntfollowForm .button input:hover{    background: #4ab3c6; text-decoration: none; }
#btntfollowForm .button input:active,
#btntfollowForm .button input:focus{ background: rgb(40, 137, 154); position: relative; top: 1px; border: 1px solid rgb(12, 76, 87);   -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset;    -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset;         box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset; }
#btntFollowFooter {  color:#222;  text-align: center;    font: 10px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, Sans-Serif;    padding: 7px 0;    margin-top: 80px;    text-shadow: 0px 2px 3px #555;    position: absolute;    width: 500px; }
#btntFollowFooter a {    color: #222;    text-decoration: none; }
#btntFollowFooter a:hover {    color: #fff; }
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
#btnt-container a.btntCloseImg {    background:none;    right:-14px;    width:22px;    height:26px;     filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEih9qMMLSQAWLFQF8L6oDqVM4l7kqZnXu6Ukxfbt_LIDQlQPLsSTHyc9_7dXQrLoeDkh2sOfGjGTqi-SvNTVhsgUVKRken2TWEIMZSyZTFUnnmec3tXWd2ubGw-651GX96P7lzUAVc0HuU/s38-p/x-mark-button-md.png',sizingMethod='scale'); }
#btntfollowForm  input{ padding: 10px 5px 10px 32px;    width: 93%; }
#btntfollowForm  input[type=checkbox]{ width: 10px; padding: 0;}

<div id="backgroundPopup">
<div id="popupContact">
<a id="popupContactClose">x</a><br />
<div id="btntfollowForm">

<img alt="email" border="0" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-
qaaiWPDGTtM/VAlBpbH0_5I/AAAAAAAAAfs/eSK0mQYj3YY/s200-no/feed.png" />
<div id="Content">
Subscribe to our mailing list to get the
updates to your email inbox...</div>
<form action="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify" method="post" onsubmit="window.open 'http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri='Your Feedburner Name here', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true" target="popupwindow">
<input name="email" placeholder="Enter Your Email..." required="required" type="text" /><input name="uri"
type="hidden" value="Your Feedburner Name here" /><input name="loc" type="hidden" value="en_US" /><br /><div>
<input type="submit" value="Subscribe" /></div>
Delivered by <a href="http://feedburner.google.com/" target="_blank">FeedBurner</a></div>

<script src="http://yourjavascript.com/24315621361/jquery.cookie.js" type="text/javascript">

<script type="text/javascript">
 var popupStatus = 0;

//this code will load popup with jQuery magic!
 function loadPopup(){

//loads popup only if it is disabled
 popupStatus = 1;}}

//This code will disable popup when click on x!
function disablePopup(){

 //disables popup only if it is enabled
 popupStatus = 0; }}

//this code will center popup
function centerPopup(){

 //request data for centering
 var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
 var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
 var popupHeight = $("#popupContact").height();
 var popupWidth = $("#popupContact").width();

 "position": "absolute",
 "top": windowHeight/2-popupHeight/2,
 "left": windowWidth/2-popupWidth/2

 //only need force for IE6
 "height": windowHeight

 if ($.cookie("anewsletter") != 1) {

 //centering with css

 //load popup

 //Click the x event!
 $.cookie("anewsletter", "1", { expires: 7 });

 //Press Escape event!
 if(e.keyCode==27 && popupStatus==1){
 $.cookie("anewsletter", "1", { expires: 7 });

2.Social Share box float right all the time : Floating Script.
   You Should add this code after <body> tag to show G+ button.
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js" async defer></script>
{ height:274px; width:52px; margin:0auto; position:fixed; _position:absolute;
border:3px solid #ccc; top:230px; right:0.5px; padding:5px;}
#glike{position:relative; top:2px; }
#Gplus{ position:relative; top:0px;background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhT8o4yIwcDquLGDQdm4PCFrb6czrhK8uAS2HzijB_wZfK5jtQQfxhDFLqoVrUYtYWwMcUzDbA1e2DSu6cuReUD6hWgpJeEA61zQuWBO90EtFr5TO87cNbK3D4_rVFC1fIldBDw0SXBfI_x/s50-no/) no-repeat;  width:50px; height:50px; display:inherit;}
#fbshare{ position:relative; top:-14px;background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhiezleUvWb7A_DjF0kOXD7Dwtq3OkGMPDDpa58hwoYxGeJhf1-28a8eqGHMXfsJJcm8ygUaI4VbChDalqSbTrbac5GQlJJFKL5AUh7IZZpwsJ6MWGK1TbNgqw4n86SE3A5OWIZiWTkj87A/s50-no/) no-repeat;  width:50px; height:50px; display:inherit;}
#twit{position:relative; top:-34px; background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1ASFKQy1TlvTMTwZQ1jueoXt0Nh4_H0SPgM59dj2XTm-XwSqKvnBv9xaEY9VBZjk_RJflG7woeXE9KTEu0_X6cE5juO7OyuWG3W_TE0IkDuMFG1A5xQiSvI0n5MsYpxT5-c-dntJhgq4h/s50-no/) no-repeat;  width:50px; height:50px; display:inherit;}
#linkin{position:relative; top:-52px; background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjZcpbzFcpAB4O5zMCtEyToo9q6e29QtglpKshta8FvTiY3BHm6rPcrlVlDdGedXTT6XIs49Xx-Rbi2qsjm6aI6ynFLkCxKFKIkl8JQkbcqdEwfZ1MT164ZxAS1vlbTUdeH4SjHNom0PznV/s50-no/) no-repeat;  width:50px; height:50px; display:inherit;}
<div id="Popupcontact">
<!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render. -->
<div id="glike" class="g-plusone"  data-size="tall"></div><br />
<a href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=" id="Gplus"></a><br/>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=" target="_blank" id="fbshare"></a><br />

<a id="twit" href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button"></a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';</script>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=" id="linkin" ></a>
var url1=window.location.href;
document.getElementById('fbshare').href += url1;
document.getElementById('Gplus').href += url1;
document.getElementById('linkin').href += (url1+"&title=&summary=&source=");

3.Facebook Share Request Popup Box HTML Script code (Big and Force to share):
{ height:272px; width:52px; margin:0auto; position:fixed; _position:absolute;
border:3px solid #ccc; top:230px; right:0.5px; padding:5px;}
#glike{position:fixed; top:2px; }
#Gplus{ position:relative; top:-3px;background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhT8o4yIwcDquLGDQdm4PCFrb6czrhK8uAS2HzijB_wZfK5jtQQfxhDFLqoVrUYtYWwMcUzDbA1e2DSu6cuReUD6hWgpJeEA61zQuWBO90EtFr5TO87cNbK3D4_rVFC1fIldBDw0SXBfI_x/s50-no/) no-repeat;  width:50px; height:50px; display:inherit;}
#fbshare{ position:relative; top:5; background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhiezleUvWb7A_DjF0kOXD7Dwtq3OkGMPDDpa58hwoYxGeJhf1-28a8eqGHMXfsJJcm8ygUaI4VbChDalqSbTrbac5GQlJJFKL5AUh7IZZpwsJ6MWGK1TbNgqw4n86SE3A5OWIZiWTkj87A/s50-no/) no-repeat;  width:50px; height:50px; display:inherit;}
#twit{position:relative; top:2px; background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1ASFKQy1TlvTMTwZQ1jueoXt0Nh4_H0SPgM59dj2XTm-XwSqKvnBv9xaEY9VBZjk_RJflG7woeXE9KTEu0_X6cE5juO7OyuWG3W_TE0IkDuMFG1A5xQiSvI0n5MsYpxT5-c-dntJhgq4h/s50-no/) no-repeat;  width:50px; height:50px; display:inherit;}
#linkin{position:relative; top:5px; background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjZcpbzFcpAB4O5zMCtEyToo9q6e29QtglpKshta8FvTiY3BHm6rPcrlVlDdGedXTT6XIs49Xx-Rbi2qsjm6aI6ynFLkCxKFKIkl8JQkbcqdEwfZ1MT164ZxAS1vlbTUdeH4SjHNom0PznV/s50-no/) no-repeat;  width:50px; height:50px; display:inherit;}
<div id="Popupcontact">

<div id="glike" class="g-plusone"  data-size="tall"></div>
<a href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=" id="Gplus"></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=" target="_blank" id="fbshare"></a>
<a id="twit" href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button"></a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';</script>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=" id="linkin" ></a>
var url1=window.location.href;
document.getElementById('fbshare').href += url1;
document.getElementById('Gplus').href += url1;
document.getElementById('linkin').href += (url1+"&title=&summary=&source=");

4.Popup code to show Floating Ads for each view of your site pages first time.
#backgroundPopup1{ display:none; position:fixed; _position:absolute; height:100%; width:100%; top:0; left:0; background-color: transparent;       background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); z-index:999; }
#popupContact1{ display:none; position:fixed; _position:absolute;height:500px; width:500px; background:#FFFFFF; border:4px solid #ddd; z-index:999; padding:0px; font-size:13px; }
#popupContactClose1{ background:url(https://www.networkcapital.net/images/close_button.gif)   no-repeat;    width:37px;    height:37px;    display:inline;    z-index:3200;    position:absolute;    top:-15px;    right:-16px;    cursor:pointer;    text-indent: -99999px;}
#btntfollowForm1.button input{    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #3D9DB3;    border: 1px solid #1C6C7A;    border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;    box-shadow: 0 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07) inset, 0 0 0 3px #FEFEFE, 0 5px 3px 3px #D2D2D2;    color: #FFFFFF;    cursor: pointer;    font-family: 'Arial Narrow',Arial,sans-serif;    font-size: 24px;    margin-bottom: 10px;    padding: 8px 5px;    text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);    width: 30%;    float: right; }
#btntfollowForm1.button input:hover{    background: #4ab3c6; text-decoration: none; }
#myword1{color: #AAAAAA;    font-family: times New Roman;    font-size: 25px;    font-style: italic;    line-height:30px; }
#btntfollowForm1.button input:active,
#btntfollowForm1.button input:focus{ background: rgb(40, 137, 154); position: relative; top: 1px; border: 1px solid rgb(12, 76, 87);   -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset;    -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset;         box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset; }
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Tags: Blogging Tips, popup advertisement, popup box scripts, popup code, popup html script, popup script, popup with close button, social share popup, styles up html, Website creation

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22 May 2016

English to Tamil dictionary pdf file download

Whats up guys today,
   For your complete reference, here is an English to Tamil PDF file can be downloadable. You have to download or save this PDF and reopen with your usual offline reader for to get good and clear view. In our day today life, we have many troubles to understand the meanings of many English. This English to Tamil dictionary PDF file is the only portable, small in size and also be offline.
   Why do we need to open internet browser or a translator side for to find Tamil meaning for a single English word. Instead of that, English to Tamil dictionary PDF file is more suitable than that. I have already posted about an offline English to Tamil Dictionary which is the most suitable program the Tamil people wanted.
To Read about that and to download the pals e English to Tamil Dictionary Click Here.
   I think that is the more suitable to you. You may like this English to Tamil dictionary PDF file according to your need. If you have any problem with these file downloading, feel free to contact me via comment box. Your Comments and suggestions are warmly welcomed. Please share about our site with your friends which helps us to take these stories to more users like you.

வணக்கம் அன்பர்களே,
தயவு செய்து இத்தளத்தினை விà®°ுப்பு செய்யவுà®®். எமது தளத்தினில் உமது à®®ின்னஞ்சல் à®®ுகவரியைப் பதிவு செய்வது நலம்.

Download English to Tamil dictionary PDF

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30 April 2016

Free download English to Tamil dictionary and Tamil to English dictionary offline for PC windows : pals e Tamil dictionary

Hello whats up guys,
   In our day today life, people have to search for Tamil meanings for English word and English word for Tamil words whose second language is Tamil or English. Many of us know that, Google translator is a good choice but not the best for translations. We don't know when we can be online or offline. That is why this offline Tamil to English and English to Tamil pals e dictionary is necessary to you. I searched for a perfect offline Tamil English dictionary in internet many time. In many times, i have deceived.
   It is very nervous thing to me to digest. I have recently discovered this best offline pals e Tamil to English and English to Tamil dictionary. It is my pleasure to share it with you. If you have any trouble with the download or the pals e Tamil dictionary, post your problems here as comments. Thankful comments also welcomes. Subscribe with us will feed your inbox with useful tips and software download link. Tamil to English pals e dictionary download link is placed at the end of this article. Please don't forget to like our site, if you are impressed please share with your friends which makes our site a bit up.
வணக்கம் அன்பர்களே,
தமிà®´் ஆங்கில அகராதியை பதிவிறக்கம் செய்ய கீà®´ே உள்ள பொத்தானைச் சொடுக்கவுà®®். தயவு செய்து இத்தளத்தினை விà®°ுப்பு செய்யவுà®®். எமது தளத்தினில் உமது à®®ின்னஞ்சல் à®®ுகவரியைப் பதிவு செய்வது நலம்.

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29 April 2016

Online hosting space for java script or CSS or PHP files from Google drive

Whats up Guys,
Sorry guys, this service is offered up to August 2016 only. After that google will stop this service. Sorry for inconvenience and avoid using this to host your important script files.
   While you are creating new webpages or editing templates in blogger or any other HTML content, You many need a small storage/space to to save some files such as Java Script or CSS or PHP files. You can use some free hosting services online. But, It may causes your blog or websites disabilities. Such free hosting providers may copy your files or stop their services at any time.
   I give you a good solution from Google, which is a largest and trustworthy online service providers. Yes, you can use your Google Drive for these small purposes. Google gives 15GB every account holders absolutely free for us. Very very easy steps. Google doesn't offer the storage for such hosting. So, We need to convert the links from drive for our needs.
Follow these Simple Steps
  1. Go to www.google.com/drive login with you Google account.
  2. Create a folder there in any name as you need.
Click "New" Red button in the left top corner of the login page then choose "Folder"
  3. Change the privacy to public
  • Right click on the folder choose "share".
  • Click "advanced" and change option to "public on the web" under who has access section.
  4. Upload the files into there
Open the folder and right click and choose "upload files..."
  5. Get URL for sourcing,
  • While you are inside the folder, Copy the code after https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/******************. Copy the code given in stars.
   For an Example: If you see https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B57gdgfdgdfgfgfd,
copy "0B57gdgfdgdfgfgfd" only. It is the Folder-id for that
  • This is the URL format https://googledrive.com/host/Folder-id/Filename
  • File name should be such filename.php or filename.css or filename.js .
  • Avoid spaces in the file name before upload them.
Enjoy the free hosting with Google Drive. You can also create website with this method. Thank you for reading our articles. If you have loved our articles, Please Plus or Like or Tweet. Your Comments are welcomed. Replies will be given within 24 hours.

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How to set a custom domain to blogger? dot.com Website for Cheap With pretty much blogger platform

Whats up Guys,
For many purposes, its necessary to create your own website. Here, I show you how to create a custom domain website easily for cheap without any advance knowledge. Why do you need a hosting services for such small site for your business profile. Just sign in to Blogger.com with your existing google account. If you don't have any google account, just sign up within a seconds.
  1. In blogger logged in page, Click New Blog Button in top left corner.
  2. Enter your Website name in tittle. Enter any address in address blank- You have to  change this to custom .com domain. Choose any template-You can edit or change or upload later.
  3. Click "Create blog!" Button.
Now you have a blog with YourBlog.blogspot.com domain. You can create and maintain the blog easily without any advance knowledge. Every thing in the blogger are easy to understand. Just click to customize and create post and pages there. Now we come to the topic, How to Change your domain to .com domain?

You need to buy a domain first to do the setup. Godaddy gives .com domain and other domains from just 0.99$. You can also buy from google.com or any domain service Providers. Try Google Domain for Trustworthy and facilities or for cheap try Godaddy.

I explain here, how to setup custom domain in Godaddy Domain Provider. All other domain providers also provide with the similar settings.
  1. First you login to your Godaddy account.
  2. Then open the Domains tab in the logged in page.
  3. Go to "My Domain Names".You will see Domain Manager page.
  4. Click the domain that you want to link with.
  5. click "Total DNS control and MX records" under "Total DNS" section At the bottom of the page. 
  6. Then click "Add New CNAME Record". If you have created a CNAME record before, click the pencil icon near existing CNAME record.
  7. For Name, enter your subdomain.For eg: if your address is www.mydomain.com, enter www.
  8. in the "Host name".
  9. Then enter <Type Your Domain Here>.ghs.googlehosted.com. Specify a TTL or use 1 hour.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Under "CNAMES" Section,  click "Add New CNAME Record" again.
  12. Under "Name" section, enter the short security token.
  13. Under "Host name" section, Enter the long security token. Specify a TTL or Use 1 hour.
  14. Click OK.
You are Almost Done here.

But You need to change some settings in blogger.com
  1. First you login to your blogger account.
  2. Go to your blog site settings.
  3. Under Basic> Publishing> Blog Address Section, Click "+ Setup a 3rd party URL for your blog".
  4. Type your Domain without WWW.
  5. Click Save.
That's OK. You need to wait about half an hour to see your blog at the custom domain. Now you have .com website with only charge for domain.

Tags: .com website, .com domain, create .com website, free domain, Google domain, Google custom domain, create own website, create a website, create website online

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Photoshop 7.0 crash solution : Open up and Immediately Close - how to solve Photoshop crash?

Whats up Guys,
  Just I share my experience with you. So, Its surely works 100%. Yesterday, I shutdown my computer. At the time Photoshop works perfectly. But, I couldn't open that today. Its opened, ran, showed startup page and closed immediately. Then, I found a good solution for this Problem. I share the best solution with you.
   You have to Delete or Rename the Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Prefs.psp which is automatically created by Photoshop. It is updated by Photoshop every time you close Photoshop.This will reset  your Photoshop to default configurations and settings. It just store the configuration, you did last before close.

   Follow these simple Steps:
  1. Go to this location C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop\7.0\Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Settings  -  (User Name is your user account from where you installed Photoshop)
  2. Find the "Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Prefs" File. Rename the file or Delete the file. Don't worry about deletion. It will be created automatically.
    If you have loved our solutions Please Plus or Share or Tweet. Your comments are welcomed. Answer will be given within 24 hours. If you have any other problems, Just comment here. I will get that back to you.

Tags:Photoshop 7.0, Photoshop Problem, Photoshop Error, Photoshop Corrupt, Cannot Open Photoshop.

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Free data recovery software - iCare Data Recovery - How to recover deleted files or formatted disk?

Whats up Guys,
In many time, we Delete files or Format files unexpectedly. or Our Files may be deleted by viruses. or We may need deleted files in the past. Here, I give you a small solution to you. It won't get back you completely. Because, there is no guaranty that all the files could recover with original quality. iCare recovery software is a partially freeware software.

Just download the iCare recovery Software here. This Software is User friendly. Follow the simple steps given there. Order of this process is given below
  1. Downloaded file is a ZIP file. So the file should be extracted. 
  2. Install the setup file inside the extracted folder by double click on it.
  3. Open the i Care Recovery Software.
  4. Choose the type of recovery.
  5. If you choose advance settings. Tic the types of files you want to recover.
  6. Choose the disk you want to recover. It will scan your device or disk for a certain long time. You can cancel the scanning, if you see wanted files there.
  7. Select the files, Select the location where the recovered files should be saved and click recover files. Your files will be recovered.
Enjoy this free iCare Recovery Software. Your comments are welcomed. Replies will be given within 24 hours. If you have loved these articles Please Plus or Share or Tweet.

Tags:Recover Files, Files Recovery, SD Recovery, full version icare data recovery download, Memory Card Recovery, Hard Disk Recover, Format Recovery, Free Recovery Software, iCare Recovery Software, Free Recovery Software Download, Recover lost files, Recover Corrupted files, Ospeedy Recovery Software, Ospeedy Data Recovery Software, Ospeedy Format Recovery Software.

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Benifits of Google Clouds Storage - Access your files around globe over Google

Whats up Guys,
Today, I talk about Free Google Cloud Storage. It is also know as Google Drive. But, Truly Cloud storage means, Its include Google Picasa Photo Album, Gmail, Blogger, Docs, Drive etc. All of above are using the same space from Google for you. Every Google account user can get up to 15GB free online Google Cloud Storage. If you are a regular user, then you will never reach the limit. Why don't you use the space for your other purposes.

That is my topic today. Many time,  We need to carry pen drive to copy some files to show our friends. OR We may want some necessary files for some purposes while we are out of our PC or Laptop. OR We may lost our Pen-drive with important data. For these Problems Google Offer us a Super Service. That is Google Drive. You can upload your important files here. Then you can access your files around globe with your user name and password. You can access them easily with Google Syn devices. Such as Mobile, Laptop, Tablet, Smart TV, android devices etc. Download and Install Google drive on such devices. You can see your uploaded files there.

What are the benefits with this?
  1. You may lost your devices such as Flash Drive, Memory card etc. Such devices are small in size. So, the chances to loose are high in probability.
  2. Memory card / Flash drive may corrupt at any time. Nowadays, It is a serious problem problem to many of us. If we use a Memory card / Flash drives to store all our Data, Photos and Special Documents one by one, it may corrupt at any time. There are many cheap memory card sold in the market. So, most of us lost our data or will lost data. Buy Original Cards from here for the lowest prices.
  3. At any time ,your data are may attacked by hackers and viruses. Nowadays Hackers Hack other's files and ask money for that. You may loose your files even from your hard disk too.
That's why you have to upload your very important documents into Google Cloud Storage. Lets, Start upload your very important small document into Google Cloud Storage. Enjoy the files freedom at any PC with your Google Account.

If you have loved our article, Please Plus or Share or Tweet. Subscribe with us to get our regular updates to your inbox. Any doubts, Post a comment here. I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Tags: Free Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Free Online Storage, Google Storage, Google Drive, Cloud Drive, Free Cloud, Google Storage Online, Google Drive Storage, Google Cloud, Dropbox.

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Should I take a loan over my fixed deposit? Advantages and Disadvantages about quick Loan againts fixed deposit

Whats up Guys,
Many times, we need some advance money temporarily. So, we decide to take a Quick Loan against our Fixed Deposit. There are many advantages and disadvantages in it. It may beneficial or worst. Its depend on loan purpose, repayment schedule, repayment period etc. Here, I am going to write about that. Let you decide yourself, is the Quick Loan against Fixed Deposit beneficial or worst for your needs? But one thing, You will need to pay interest more than you getting from your Fixed Deposit. It is known as additional interest.

    1.You may get profit than the additional interest. Many people earns more profit within short period. So, If the profit is higher than the additional interest. Why are you thinking about this? Just take the Quick Loan. Don't take higher risk, if you feel it won't give you such profit at all. Most of the seasonal business mans have been using this tricky method. Seasonal businesses mostly give them a good profit.
    2.It will avoid losing interest profit. If you withdraw the Fixed Deposit during agreement period, You will be given very low interest. For an example: You deposited money for 5 year agreement term. If you withdraw the deposit in third year, You won't get actual interest for the three year period. They just give you very low interest for the period. It is a big lost for short term money needs. Here, Quick Loan is best to you.

      There are many disadvantages in it. I say something of them here.
      1.Profit from the purpose may less than the additional interest. There is no guaranty that every business will be success. You need to carry a risk in it.
      2.Your Fixed Deposit may be closed. You may not repay loan back. Then the loan balance may reach your Fixed Deposit balance. Then the account will be closed as no repayment. So, you loose your money waste for interest. Therefore, If you feel that repayment isn't possible to you during the period, better is to withdraw the Deposit for your needs.
      3.Many people see low interest rate loans in advertisements. So, they feel that it is profitable. You should consider the rate per year or per month. Some financial companies confuse people with such difficult advertisements.

      Final decision is your according to your purpose and period of the Loan. I don't say the Quick Loan against Fixed Deposit is totally worst and its give you lost at all. Its depend in your total financial and business situations. That's all.

      What do you feel about the loan against Fixed Deposit? Let you comment here. I will get back to you within 24 hours. If you have loved this article, please Plus or Share or Tweet. Thanks for readings.
      Tags: quick loans, payday loan, car loans, fast loan, bank loan , best loans, business loans, online payday loans, payday loan, fixed rate, loan repayment schedule
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      How to choose the most suit Credit Card? Which is best credit card ?

      Whats up Guys,
      Many people have been enjoying a lots of benefits with credit card. Some bodies have troubles with credit card. They don't know how to and where to use credit card. After they had trouble with credit cards, they start to use debit card. It is also acceptable. Many ATM card providers providing the credit service. Mostly Visa, Master and American Express are used worldwide.

      What are the ways to obtain a credit card? or Where can i obtain a Credit Card?
      There are many ways available to obtain a credit card. I list some of them here.
      1. Credit Card linked with your Government and Private salary account in the bank. Credit card issuers need a regular income to confirm repayment of advances. You can get advance up to your salary amount per month at the beginning. You may get more advances per month, if your card issuer increase your credit limit after few years.
      2. Credit Card linked with you Fixed Deposit. You can get advance up to 90% of the Fixed Deposit amount with these cards. The Percentage differ card issuer to issuer. If you can't repay the advance, Your FD account may be closed.
      3. Credit Cards for trustworthy with issuer. Some banks are issuing credit card for customer who deposit a certain money in saving or current account regularly.
      4. Credit Card as a gift for some club and organization members. Some royal club and organizations are issuing cards through banks with names of it.
      What should be considered when obtain a credit card? or Which is best Credit Card?
      Offers and Charges with Credit Card differ according to Membership types of credit card. In a bank, they offer different types of membership such as Platinum card, Gold Card, Silver card etc. To find which card is best or suit for you, You should consider below things.
      1. Credit Limit: You cannot control this Credit limit. Its depends in your salary, Fixed Deposit etc. Its also differ bank to bank. Choose the best card or bank which gives you higher credit limit.
      2. Credit Card Interest rates and Interest free offers: Choose suitable bank and membership type which gives advances at low interest rate. Most of the banks are offering interest free credit services for a certain period. Select which is interest free for long period.
      3. Credit Card charges: Maintaining fees will be charged monthly or yearly and debited automatically from your card. You may be charged every withdrawals at ATM s and purchases at Points Of Terminals (POS). Most of the issuers don't charge for purchases at Points Of Terminals (POS). But, there are big differences in ATM withdrawal charges card to card and ATM to ATM.
      4. Rewards and offers with reward cards: You can enjoy many Rewards and Offers at POS with your credit card. Such as payments reduction at selected merchants(POS), Bonus credits reduction, Exchangeable Rewards points, lottery money back or no pay per moth etc. For a best card, you should consider this too.
      5. Repayment Period: Actually it is not a problem for salary card holders. Credit Card bills will be paid automatically every month. If you are FD Credit Card holder, You should consider too.
      Now, have you chosen a best Card? If you have any doubts, Ask me via comments. I will get back to you within 24 hours. If this article about Credit Card is useful to you, Please Plus or Share or Tweet. Don't miss out latest trends. Subscribe to get updates to your inbox.

      Tags:Best Card, Credit Card Interest Rate, Reward Card, Credit Card Charges, Credit Card Number, Compare Cards, Student Credit Card, Credit Card Charges, International Credit Card, Credit Card Limit, Credit Card Fees, atm cards
      If you like our Articles Collection Please Like or Plus or Share. It will helpful to improve our site. You can also subscribe with your email to get instance updates from our site.
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      What are the things you should know about debit card?

      What up Guys,

      what is a debit card or ATM card?

         Debit card is an electronic cash card pre-loaded with money. It can be used at ATM s and POS (Point of Store/ Terminal). You will be charged very little amount for ATM s withdrawals. Most of the Debit card won't charge POS terminal uses. Its also depend in issuing bank of the card. Debit card offered by three network mainly. Maestro, master etc are from MasterCard network. Visa, Visa Electron etc are from visa network. American Express also issuing some such cards.
         There are many types of debit cards in uses. Such as Gift card or Reward Card, Bank account Card, re-loadable Debit Card, Virtual Debit Card etc. What is ATM card ? All cards usable at ATM machine are called as ATM card. ATM : Automated Teller Machine, its allow you to withdraw money on the way. Gift card can be used at once up to price printed on the card. It issued and given by companies, stores etc as a gift or reward card. You also can buy certain price cards in market. Bank Card uses your bank account balance. Its allow you to pay up to available balance of your account. The payments will be deducted from account after few days.
         Some banks offer advances and online banking facility too. It helps to maintain your account from anywhere in the world. re loadable debit card is offered by many employees to pay salaried to workers. Its makes there payments easy and automatically. They have an agreement with any of above Debit Card Network. Charges applicable with Debit Card differ card to card, ATM to ATM. These are decided by issuer of the card. Virtual Debit Card is current trend in online businesses. Issuer only gives card details which can be usable at online. You won't be given any physical card.

      Can I use Debit Card globally ?

          Its sure that every card can be usable anywhere in the world. Most of Debit Card can be used around globe. You could see "International Debit Cards" printed words in front of the card. It doesn't mean the card can be usable online purchases. These limits also apply by the issuer according to agreement with the card networks. If you have Master card, You can use the card anywhere MasterCard logo seen. If Visa card..........logo seen. ATM s or POS or Stores or Public Telephone Booth etc. Can i use debit card for Online purchases ? This facility depends in issuers. Some issuers activate this facility all the time. Some asks you to call them when you want to pay online. Some issuers allow you to activate and deactivate the facility via online banking. Some issuers protect your account with Master card secure code or Visa card Secure code. They will send you an OTP verification code to your mobile number linked with your bank when you try to use card online. You need to enter the number there to authenticate that it is your card.

      How to use ATM card ?

      How to use Debit Card online ?
      Some merchants ask your Name and Address also. They may verify that with associated details in your card. You should Enter them without any spelling Mistakes as the process is automatically done by virtual robots. After your activated your card for online purpose or purchases, (It isn't necessary to activate your card, if your card always activated) Find 16 digit Number in front of your card. Enter it into Card number box. Choose/Type month and years printed in front your card as Valid Thru or Good Thru. Back of your card, you could see a three digit number after your signature in white area. Enter that into CVV Number box. Enter you Name as printed on your card. Keep away from spelling mistakes. Enter Billing address as on your Bank Passbook or Documents given by issuer.

      How to use Debit Card in ATM s?
         You could see a welcome page in ATM display if no card inside ATM machine. If not, Press Cancel button, bring card and handover the card to bank. Somebodies forget to get back their card after withdraw money. After see welcome page, Insert card longitudinally while logo of the card (MasterCard / Visa Card / American Express / else) in your side. You should see the logo until insert card completely into the machine. AT any time problems with ATM machine, you can takeout your card by press cancel button in Red color cross. After insertion, Its ask you to choose language. Choose your prefer language. Some machines are touch model. You can touch with your finger on the screen. You will see some options. Such as Withdrawal, Balance inquiry, Mini statements, Bill payments etc. You can continue with the instructions given there.

      What can I do if my Debit Card / ATM card lost or stolen ?

         You should take care of your Debit card (cash card) as money. If anybody use your card at ATM or POS or online purchases, there is no way to get back your money. You can find the guy with the help of police. But, No use. So you have to inform your bank card center. They will immediately block / deactivate your card Temporarily or Permanently. At POS (Point OF Terminal), Your signature is necessary to pay. But they don't care about this mostly. Anybody can sign like you by looking beside of the card. If you have loved this article, Please Plus or Share or Tweet. It will help us to reach more users like you. Any questions? Post here under comments below. I will get back to you within 24 hours. 

      Tags: Best cards, Stolen card, Reward card, Debit card authorization, Debit Card Number, Compare cards, Virtual Debit Card, Debit card verification, Debit Card Limit, Debit Card Fees, ATM card, international debit card, cash card, debit master card, online debit card
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      Free Download 8.11n USB WiFi Adapter WNIC Card Driver : Direct Download : Most Suitable for RTL8188ETV Download

      It can usable for following Versions of windows with any USB adapter 8.11n Chipset inside.
      • 8.11n USB WiFi Adapter WNIC Card Driver Vista 64bit
      • 8.11n USB WiFi Adapter WNIC Card Driver Vista 32bit
      • 8.11n USB WiFi Adapter WNIC Card Driver Windows 7 64bit
      • 8.11n USB WiFi Adapter WNIC Card Driver Windows 7 32bit
      • 8.11n USB WiFi Adapter WNIC Card Driver Windows 8 64bit
      • 8.11n USB WiFi Adapter WNIC Card Driver Windows 8 32bit
      • 8.11n USB WiFi Adapter WNIC Card Driver Windows 10 64bit
      • 8.11n USB WiFi Adapter WNIC Card Driver Windows 10 32bit

      I have Searched a lot of sites for this 8.11n USB. No use with the all downloads and installers. But fortunately, I have found this driver set from a site. This driver is made by ASUS for most of the versions of windows. You can Install this like an installing package. You have to follow these simple 6 steps to install the driver.

      Download the Driver File above and extract or unzip it.
      1. Plug your device/ WiFi adapter into any USB Port.
      2. Search for Device Manager in control panel and open it.
      3. Right click on your device and click Update Driver Software.
      4. choose Browse my computer for driver software. Select the path where you extracted unzipped the downloaded driver file.
      5. Tick on Include sub folders and Click Next.
      6. That’s all. You may need to unplug and re-plug for detection.

      or You can also do this via Devices and Printers.
      1. Search for Devices and Printers in control panel and open it.
      2. You can see there is 8.11n adapter with Unknown Device or not recognized icon. Right click on it and Go to Properties window. Tap to Hardware tap.
      3. Click Properties in right bottom of the window. Click Change settings. Tap to Driver tap.
      4. Click on Update Driver… and choose Browse my computer for driver software. Select the path where you extracted unzipped the downloaded driver file.
      5. Tick on Include sub folders and Click Next.
      6. That’s all. You may need to unplug and re-plug for detection.

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      Format Painter Shortcut : What is Format Painter Shortcut? :Format Painter Shortcut is not Working

      What is format painter?

      Format painter is the most popular tool use to copy whole character styles and numbering from one paragraph to another. It is shown as a blue-yellow brush in Clipboard in Home tap. These are the steps to use the tool.
      • Put your courser on paragraph where you need to copy the styles.
      • Click on the brush button(Format Painter tool) in clipboard, Home tap. You can double click on the brush to apply the same styles again and again. Mouse pointer will be brush shape after you clicked on it, means format is ready to use.
      • Click on paragraph where you want to use the styles. Better is to click on beginning of the paragraph. See the magic happens.

      Format painter Shortcut

      There are simple two shortcuts keys to use the tool handy.
      To copy format(Styles) of paragraph. Don’t forget to set courser where you want to copy.

      To paste the format to other paragraphs.

      After you copied a format with this shortcut, courser won’t be changed to brush. Format is copied and saved in clipboard temporarily.

      Why doesn’t the shortcut work?

      First of all, you have to know one thing. Courser won’t be turned into brush shape. So, you may think the shortcut is not working.
      You may set Macros Record in ms word or other activity in another program with the keyboard same shortcut. Read about magical Macros in ms word click here.

      What are the benefits of the shortcut?

      You can do anything else while keeping a format in clipboard. When you are using the shortcut, you don’t need to worry about one click or double click. Once you have copied the format , it won’t change until you copy again with Ctrl+Shift+C shortcut. So, you can do many other editing in the mean time. You can use the format at any time you want to use. You can do editing fast with help of the Format Painter and Macro Recordings in ms word. Your comments are welcomed.
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      Avoid repeating an action in MS word : I want to do one action like a Robot in every Paragraph/ Bullets and Numbering : Macro

        I have recently troubled with such this problem. I had to do same style change in pre entered ms word document again and again for every questions in it. I was getting bored to do that. So I have search over internet. I have found an Idea from MS Word blog. I Share this sweet matter with you.

      >>>Setting up a Macro

      You don't need any special coding or advance knowledge to do this. Its straight forward and can be done yourself. You only need to follow simple steps such as Record Macro, Pause Recording, Resume Recorder, Stop Recording. While you are in recording, Macro is watching your every single actions including courser move. You should minimize your steps to avoid waste processing s.

      1. In View Tap, Click Macro Record in Macro drop down

      It will show a dialog box to choose its name and short cut. You can modify the name to identify within many macros. For some repeating action, you may need to create two Macros. You may use shortcuts or not. For frequent use shortcut are good. You should choose keyboard shortcuts for most frequent repeating action.

      2. Enter a Name and setting up a Shortcut key/ Quick Access Toolbar Button
      You can run the Macro with the button or shortcut keys. Select you want this macro in all word documents or this selected document. Setup a shortcut by clicking keyboard or create quick toolbar button with Button(Hammer). The shortcut button in Quick Access Toolbar is shown in this picture.
      Some shortcuts are reserved default for MS Word such as Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X etc. Avoid to enter them. 

      If you want to create button, It's easy. Do as it shown in picture bellow.

      3. Recording Macro
      When all above steps are done, you are in Macro recording at the moment.You will have to Pause Recording if you want to do something else than the repeating actions. Then Resume Recorder  to continue the recording. All the above options are in Macros under View Tap. You can't use mouse pointer or courser in recording time. You can only use Keyboard including all shortcuts. Once you have done all the actions Stop Recording. You can also edit it visual basic coding, if you have the knowledge. 

      4. Use the macro : Very Important
      Its very important to read before use the Macro. You can use the Macro with Quick Access Toolbar Button or Keyboard shortcut. You should put your courser in like a same point where you have started recording. If not, It will do wrong, but as you done in recording. It means, If you move your courser left two times with arrow key, it will do the same from the point where your courser is being when yo run the Macro. You should take care when use Macro. If you run in wrong location, you have to undo each unique steps individually even a courser move any side. That's all.
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