Hi guys,
It is a simple process that make better post to your blogger. High percentage of people are not know that "How to blog". They need to get practice in blogger.com. Many of us search for keyword and written for them. Some of them copy from another site and paste or post it to their blogs simply. It is not possible to get more traffic. People hate all these. You need to write articles as you and me. Do not write for search engine crawlers or spiders.
Now all of the sites are ranked by search engines as these,
- Amount of people read and rate or like or Google plus.
- Average time of a visit.
- Average page views of every unique visitor.
- Which is published first.
You do not try to get these points main and try to do it yourself. It is not give nice result. Blog daily freely at blogger.com. You already know how to blog. If you do not know about this read articles here and get practice there. You do not think that visitors come immediately to your blog after you post.
Post every article's titles with attract words and also post content related to topic. do not fool visitors. It is not nice to you. Every time, we think in which topic/tittle we write about. So we lazy and avoid to publish articles. You can search or find titles from articles directories such as ezinearticles.com, articlesalley.com etc. Do write in the same title and the same content. Change a little words in the tittle and use them to write.
In every paragraph you should alert readers what they want to do. Do not think that much visitors come to your site if you write longer articles or blog post. It is also a factor in traffic. But it is not main things to get traffic.
All the best to write and do internet marketing. Lets I will meet you on next post.
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