We many times try for a adsense approval to your site to earn some money for your extra uses. I recently know that, Some of adsense publishers use adsense income for their main purposes. I mean they live rich with the income only. But, Some of us can not get approval and get disapproved many times.Because of this, Some bodies hate adsense too. But they do not know what they need to get approval on adsense. Every time we submit for adsense, we disapproved. Why? there are some problems in your site. You need to correct them to get approval from adsense simply. These are the 5 tips to get adsense approval in 2012. Just follow these steps to get approved quickly and simply without much effort.
01.Your site should 6 months old.
Many of ours site are new, But, we many time apply for adsense and get disapproved. To get approved on adsense, your site should 6 months old. First Google check domain that, The domain is registered in your name? The domain is 6 months old. If you passed this step, they check other quantities. Your site should at least 3 months old to pass this step. This is very important. Because, it is the first step to approval. If you fail in this, You automatically disapproved.
Many of ours site are new, But, we many time apply for adsense and get disapproved. To get approved on adsense, your site should 6 months old. First Google check domain that, The domain is registered in your name? The domain is 6 months old. If you passed this step, they check other quantities. Your site should at least 3 months old to pass this step. This is very important. Because, it is the first step to approval. If you fail in this, You automatically disapproved.
02.Your site should contain long words between 400-1000
After your first step, Yours site checked by Google Robert (Google crawlers). In that time your site should have big content between 400 to 1000 words. It may increased. But not to make content low than this ratio. Because, Google policies not allow little content to adsense. Yours site get much traffic automatically with this. So you get two advantage. A proverb that "One stone, two mango". That is this. So if you take a tittle to make content, Search much about on that and write much on that topic. Do not waste your time on search tricks to get approval on adsense. Because, Google change Terms and Policies. Here is also a trick below. But, This trick is not like on other sites.
After your first step, Yours site checked by Google Robert (Google crawlers). In that time your site should have big content between 400 to 1000 words. It may increased. But not to make content low than this ratio. Because, Google policies not allow little content to adsense. Yours site get much traffic automatically with this. So you get two advantage. A proverb that "One stone, two mango". That is this. So if you take a tittle to make content, Search much about on that and write much on that topic. Do not waste your time on search tricks to get approval on adsense. Because, Google change Terms and Policies. Here is also a trick below. But, This trick is not like on other sites.
Simple trick to get your adsense approval quickly
Quote "Your site should 6 months old"Because of this, You need to wait much time to get approval. There is no term to you that, your site should 6 or 3 months old. But, At least 20 pages of your site should cached by Google. There is a simple trick to get your adsense approval quickly. To check how many pages by Google, Search on Google "Site:Your Site Address". If 20 of your site's page cached, Then you can submit for adsense approval even your domain is new. Happy to search it and submit to adsense and get adsense approval quickly.
03.Yours site should have a "Privacy Policy" page Most reason to Google disapprove your application is this. You site should have a Privacy Policy page. Because, Google change Terms and Policy recently on 2012 February 1st. So, every time you submit your site for approval. Google check it after check your domain quality. If your site not contain "Privacy Policy" page, first add it to yours site. Contact us page is even best to increase approval chance. Therefore, add "Contact Us" page too to your site. Do not put another or pen name on it. Use original name on Contact Us page.
04.You should enter Address correctly in adsense application
Many of us, enter address incorrectly. Like to send a letter to another. It is wrong. You should enter with house number and Zip code. This is also a problem to get disproved with adsense. You need to enter your address like below picture in adsense application.
This is also one factor to get approval on adsense. Ha... Do not enter this address, enter your address as this format only.
05.Your site should not have adult content.
Some of us think, we can much traffic by adult content. But Google hate all of adult content and they do not accept adult content site to adsense program. Why I also not use such adult words? Because Google hate me if I do that.
In finally, I repeatedly tell that do not try "get approval in two hour schemes". They scam you with such words. I tell those 5 tips to get approval on adsense. Now it is take 14 days (two weeks) to get adsense approval. but, you need to use my tips to get your get your Google adSense approved in 2012 within 14 days(two weeks) by following my Google adSense approval tips correctly.
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Related Tags:
- adsense account approval
- adsense account approval India 2012
- adsense account approval trick 2012
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- Google adsense 2012
- Google adsense account approval tips 2012
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