Just I share my experience with you. So, Its surely works 100%. Yesterday, I shutdown my computer. At the time Photoshop works perfectly. But, I couldn't open that today. Its opened, ran, showed startup page and closed immediately. Then, I found a good solution for this Problem. I share the best solution with you.
You have to Delete or Rename the Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Prefs.psp which is automatically created by Photoshop. It is updated by Photoshop every time you close Photoshop.This will reset your Photoshop to default configurations and settings. It just store the configuration, you did last before close.
- Go to this location C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop\7.0\Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Settings - (User Name is your user account from where you installed Photoshop)
- Find the "Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Prefs" File. Rename the file or Delete the file. Don't worry about deletion. It will be created automatically.
Tags:Photoshop 7.0, Photoshop Problem, Photoshop Error, Photoshop Corrupt, Cannot Open Photoshop.
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